Meal Planning with Themes

Meal Planning with Themes


As you may know, we are a family of 7. In order to feed 7 people without breaking the bank, I have to plan. For a long time, I really sucked at it. I wanted to be a good planner, but it was just overwhelming. The options are so endless, and it was just too much for me to grasp. But now, I have a system that limits my choices and really works for me. It is planning by theme. My themes happen to revolve around the days of the week.  So, without further ado, here is my week:

Meaty Monday- if you are a vegetarian you could make this meatless.

Take 2 Tuesday- Repurpose what you made on Monday or do this as a leftovers day.

Wingy (or white meat) Wednesday- Chicken or Pork

Try it Thurday- this is the day I can break out a new recipe

FriYay!- kids or hubby’s favorite foods

Soupy Saturday- I really hope you understand what this means..

Savory Sunday- things like roast or casseroles.

This has made all the difference in my meal planning. Now I can easily come up with at least one idea for every category and set down and make my grocery list.  I really only have to plan for dinner. It is just what works for us. For breakfast we always eat the same basic 3 things, so I know to keep those stocked up. During lunch 3 kids are in school, the 2 youngest eat whatever I eat (which is usually leftovers or a salad), and hubby can join us or fend for himself. He usually has a big breakfast and a more snackish lunch anyway. I do not have to schedule in snacks, but I always keep lots of fruit which is my kids’ snack of choice.

Do you meal plan? If so, do you find themes helpful? If you do days of the week, I would love to hear your themes!

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